Sharpstown History Project Seeking Interviews, Photos from Long-Time Residents

Did you or someone you know live in Sharpstown sometime between 1950 and 1990? Do you have old (or new) photos of historic Sharpstown landmarks, events, or residents? Did you grow up here?
Mike Moore, author, historian, and curator of the Sharpstown History Project, is writing a book of Sharpstown stories and photos, especially focusing on pre-1990 history. The story isn’t just about big names like Frank Sharp, William Hinton, and George W. Strake. It’s also about the experiences of everyday residents—what it was like to live or grow up here in Sharpstown’s heyday.
Moore wants information about almost all things Sharpstown:
- The original churches in Sharpstown, including College Park Baptist, St. Paul Presbyterian, St. Martin’s Lutheran, Sharpstown Baptist, and more.
- Local schools, public and private. For example, he’s gathered plenty of knowledge about Strake Jesuit, but not enough about St. Agnes. He’d also like pictures of the old Sharpstown High building before it was demolished.
- Local businesses, including those that are no longer standing.
- Photos of community events.
- Family photos.
- Stories from childhood and life here.
- The transition period during the 1980s oil bust.
- And more!
Moore is also interviewing long-term residents. If you, your parents, or your friends are up for an interview, you can get in touch with him at 281-736-5870 or
You can mail your photos to Mike Moore at 6530 Bellaire Blvd, Unit S111.
Moore will also be writing a "This Week in Sharpstown History" column for the Sharpener. Stay tuned!
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