Who's Running to Represent the Sharpstown Area on City Council?

Even if you voted for Council Member Tiffany Thomas last election, she may not be on your ballot at all this November. Instead, you may be choosing between another incumbent council member—Edward Pollard—and his opponent Ivan Sanchez.
Thomas didn't drop out of the race. In fact, she's running unopposed to represent District F again in November's elections. But District F is not the same in 2023 as it was in 2019.
That's because the City of Houston "redistricted"—redrew the boundaries of city council districts—in 2022.
Last election, Thomas' district included nearly the entire Chinatown section of Sharpstown. Now, her district will include only the west side of Chinatown. The new boundary is drawn between St. Agnes Academy and the apartments just east of Ranchester.
In the map below, the blue section is what has been removed from District F.

In this year's election, the blue section will be part of District J, where candidates Edward Pollard and Ivan Sanchez are locked in a contest for the council seat. District J includes Braeburn, Gulfton, Westwood, and most of Sharpstown.
Here's a closer look at District J:

The competition is not as thick as in Districts C and G, which each have three candidates, or Districts B, D, and H, which each have five.
But it's still shaping up to be a challenging race for both District J candidates. Sanchez, a commercial real estate lender, has been campaigning heavily for months on social media and the streets. Meanwhile, the incumbent, Pollard, has been promoting his accomplishments via his email newsletter, the Pollard Press.
Elections will be held on November 7, 2023. Stay tuned for more election coverage from the Sharpener.
What are some of the most important issues to you in the upcoming city council elections? Let us know by commenting below or emailing sharpstownsharpener@gmail.com.
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