HISD Takeover Reshaping Sharpstown Schools: Two Getting New Principals, Three Choosing to Become “NES-Aligned”

On Wednesday, June 12, a staff member at Sharpstown High School confirmed that Principal Dan De Leon is being required to leave his position. HISD Superintendent Mike Miles reassigned De Leon and two other principals Wednesday morning, according to Houston Public Media. Principal De Leon’s replacement has not yet been announced.
That’s not the only recent leadership change in Sharpstown.
At Sugar Grove Academy Middle School, Principal Ericka Austin has been replaced with Noe Ortega, former assistant principal at Emerson Elementary.
When the TEA took over HISD and installed Miles as the new superintendent, Sugar Grove was one of 28 schools selected to be “reconstituted,” meaning teachers and principals had to reapply to their jobs, and Superintendent Miles’ team decided whether to rehire them or let them go. Seventeen principals were rehired, but the rest, including Principal Austin, were replaced.
Those 28 schools are part of Superintendent Miles’ “New Education System” (NES), which is designed to radically reshape the education process at Sugar Grove and the other 27.
But now, 57 more schools have voluntarily chosen to become “NES-aligned.” Three are in Sharpstown: Bonham Elementary, Jane Long Academy, and Las Americas Newcomer School.
Myra Castle-Bell, principal of Jane Long and Las Americas, said on July 7 that the decision to align has "buy-in" from staff members at both schools.
NES-aligned schools will follow the NES education model in most ways, but with two key differences:
- NES-aligned schools will not be reconstituted. In other words, principals and teachers at Bonham, Jane Long, and Las Americas will not have to reapply for their jobs for the 2023-24 school year.
- The base salaries of teachers at NES-aligned schools will remain unchanged (unlike the base salaries of teachers at regular NES schools, which will be dramatically boosted).
Sharpstown High is not a NES or NES-aligned school.
Parents across HISD are invited to ask Superintendent Miles their questions at a family meeting at Sugar Grove Academy on July 27, 6:00-7:30 PM. Spanish-speaking attendees can listen to simultaneous translation via earphones provided by HISD, and translators will be available to communicate their questions to Superintendent Miles.
Want to learn about twelve ways that Superintendent Miles’ education model will change NES and NES-aligned schools? Read our explainer.
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