Sharpener News Roundups, June 16, 2023: More on METRORapid and the Bissonnet Track

Sharpener News Roundups, June 16, 2023: More on METRORapid and the Bissonnet Track
Police barricades at the intersection of Plainfield and Bissonnet, June 7

I apologize for sending this so late. I taught all week at the High School Writers Institute at the University of St. Thomas downtown, and the Sharpener received the leftovers of my time. I look forward to sleeping in till 6:30 AM every day next week. (And, of course, spending more time reporting.)

Now for the news.

Yes, I really did take my girlfriend out to dinner on the Bissonnet Track last week. After all, I had to find out—is the police blockade really working? Here's Part 2 of the story:

Dinner on the Bissonnet Track, Part 2
Yes, I’m that journalist who thought it was a great idea to investigate the Bissonnet Track blockade by bringing my girlfriend there for dinner. I had scouted the area that morning, and I hoped the Track would be as quiet at night as it had been during the day.

If you missed Part 1 of the adventure, you can read it here.

Some people in Houston think the Bissonnet blockade is a wasted effort that will never stop "the oldest profession in the world." (Whatever happened to the old story about Adam gardening?) But District J Council Member Edward Pollard has several ideas that might help keep prostitution from returning to the area in force. You can read our in-depth interview below:

Council Member Pollard’s Ideas for Subtracting “the Track” from Bissonnet for Good
The police blockade of Plainfield St. and Centre Pkwy is driving most prostitution away from the Bissonnet Track area—but for how long? The blockade costs ~$1,400 per night in officer overtime to maintain, according to communication for the HPD Open Records Unit on June 9. At that rate,

If you're worried about whether METRO's controversial proposed bus line will cut regular traffic lanes on Hillcroft, here are some photos to help you make up your own mind:

Could the Proposed METRORapid Bus Line Shrink Hillcroft?
Some residents of Sharpstown worry that METRO’s proposed high-speed bus line extension would narrow Hillcroft from three lanes of regular traffic (each way) to two—or even from two to one. The project would involve building dedicated bus-only lanes in the center of Hillcroft. According to METRO Pre…

Finally, on a happier note, your kids might be able to eat for free in Sharpstown this summer:

Free Summer Meals for Ages 1-18 Offered across the Sharpstown Area
The Texas Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Program is serving free meals at schools, community centers, and other designated locations this summer. Children ages 1-18 (and enrolled students with disabilities who are up to 21 years old) are eligible to participate. Participating families are n…

Please let us know what you think of Pollard's strategies and the proposed METRO line.

Have a great weekend!

~Tyess Korsmo, editor-in-chief