Sharpener News Roundups, June 16, 2023: More on METRORapid and the Bissonnet Track

I apologize for sending this so late. I taught all week at the High School Writers Institute at the University of St. Thomas downtown, and the Sharpener received the leftovers of my time. I look forward to sleeping in till 6:30 AM every day next week. (And, of course, spending more time reporting.)
Now for the news.
Yes, I really did take my girlfriend out to dinner on the Bissonnet Track last week. After all, I had to find out—is the police blockade really working? Here's Part 2 of the story:

If you missed Part 1 of the adventure, you can read it here.
Some people in Houston think the Bissonnet blockade is a wasted effort that will never stop "the oldest profession in the world." (Whatever happened to the old story about Adam gardening?) But District J Council Member Edward Pollard has several ideas that might help keep prostitution from returning to the area in force. You can read our in-depth interview below:

If you're worried about whether METRO's controversial proposed bus line will cut regular traffic lanes on Hillcroft, here are some photos to help you make up your own mind:

Finally, on a happier note, your kids might be able to eat for free in Sharpstown this summer:

Please let us know what you think of Pollard's strategies and the proposed METRO line.
Have a great weekend!
~Tyess Korsmo, editor-in-chief
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